Teaware for Chado - Japanese tea ceremony

Chado or sado (茶道, 'The Way of Tea') is a traditional form of Japanese tea preparation, or like we in the West often say - tea ceremony.

The utensils listed below play an essential part in preparing and presenting matcha, powdered green tea. In upcoming articles, we will cover each of them in depth.

Kama - a kettle for heating water, that is heated over furo.
Furo - a portable brazier.
Kensui - container for used water.
Futaoki - stand under the lid or a bailer (hishaku).
Hishaku - a ladle for water. (Read More)
Mizusashi - water container.
Natsume (chaki) - a tea caddie for usucha tea. (Read More)
Chaire - ceramic tea caddie for koicha tea. (Read More)
Chawan - a bowl for preparing and drinking tea.
Chashaku - a tea scoop.
Chasen - a tea whisk.
Chakin - a small rectangular cloth used to wipe chawans.

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