About Us

First of all TeaLao is about quality. Since 2012 we are studying tea traditions of China, Japan and all other world. We cherish friendship with our partners all over the world, that is why we can observe the producing process of most products and some are created especially for us. So we get only the best goods, And some we even created ourselves

Then of course TeaLao is about us – each and everyone. We are building the global community of people who are looking for development in all spheres. Each and every profession is important when a person loves it and moves it forward with his efforts. Tea is the way of the development that explains us. We don't have a plan to open tea houses and monasteries all over the world but we are happy to make the events all around it and you are welcome to join us

Last but not least TeaLao is about 21st century. We love and cherish old traditions and we are ready to learn from our ancestors but we believe that they left us all their wisdom so we could move the world forward and make it a better place, not to repeat their journey. That is why we don't fix on the old canons and are opened to new and alternative tea traditions, though we keep the old base building something new. We are not monks but tea is able to make our modern life more effective and interesting, it leads us on the way of improvement of self and the world

Today you can buy from us Chinese and Japanese tea and dishes to brew them. Also we would like to know what you personally miss on our shelfs? We will do our best to make the choice wider according to your needs


Our discount system is built on your activity level. Every time you make a useful action on our site (add a photo, video, write a review, take part in a discussion, buy something) some experience points are added on your account. Your level on the site is growing with those points. Each level adds 1% to your discount. Also you can get rewards that give you additional bonuses or discount by attending our events, helping us to spread and other things in the name of TeaLao and tea. The more you attend in the life of TeaLao the more TeaLao will give you. Some high level tea ceremony goods that are closed for beginners will be opened to you when you will reach a certain level

We can deliver goods almost to every part of the planet but if you are in Ukraine, in Kiev the delivery will be fast and cheap

Please join TeaLao family!

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