Da Hong Pao

Big Red Robe
місце вирощуванняФуцзянь
Дата зборутравень 2021
смакові відтінкиКвіткові ноти, Ноти кориці, Орхідея
Обрати вагу чаю
    Сума без доставки0.0
    До кошику
    Кількість7 грам
    Температура95 - 100
    Кількість проливів9 раз

    Da Hong Pao (大红袍  - Big Red Robe) - is one of the most known Chinese tea. It grows in WuYi mountains, together with many other varieties of oolongs. Unfortunately, it is quite common for Chinese merchants to sell you one of many varieties of WuYi oolongs instead of Da Hong Pao. It's hard to grasp, what exactly defines Da Hong Pao, since it has the most balanced taste, without drastic deviations, unlike other WuYi oolongs. Others may have floral, spicy, nutty or other flavour notes. Da Hong Pao is distinguished by deep "tea" flavour. The best of its kind.

    Da Hong Pao - has defined masculine characteristics. Straightforward, confident, organized. The way I see it - it reminds me of a person I want to be. Whenever I feel down, I brew some Da Hong Pao, take my suit on, and I feel like I can take on the world

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