Jin Ya

Yunnan Golden Buds
місце вирощуванняЮньнань
Дата збору2021
смакові відтінкиМедовий аромат, Запах тютюну
Обрати вагу чаю
    Сума без доставки0.0
    До кошику
    Кількість7 грам
    Температура80 - 100
    Кількість проливів8 раз

    If I had to describe this tea with one word - it would be softness. Softness in everything. It doesn't have a very strong taste - it has a soft, round, warm, balanced taste, with a little fruity and honey notes. It doesn't have overpowering aroma - it is a very gentle smell of dried fruits with a hint of tobacco. It makes you feel the same way. You are not going to get a caffeine kick from this, neither will it make you feel focused - it will make you feel warm and relaxed.

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