
Iron Goddes of Mercy Guan Yin
Harvest time四月 2021
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    Amount8 克
    Temperature95 - 100
    Steeping Times12 times

    There were times, when every tea would be fried or roasted. Some say, that's because the tea can be better preserved this way. And while this is true, this is not the only reason. You see, when the tea is "green" it may have floral, grassy, fruity notes. When it is roasted, the flavour profile changes significantly: you would start to get nutty, smoky, rye-bread, spice and chocolate flavour. And that is why there are lots of people, including me, who value this type of preparing tea way more, then the modern way.

    Proper roasting of tea brings in new dimension to the flavour. If you are looking for a fresh taste of spring - this one is not for you. But if you can imagine yourself in a suit or a gown, in a dark room, lit with a small amount of warm light and maybe a fireplace, with cool jazz playing in the background... If that image brings a smile to your face - this tea is for you

    This tea is harvested in 省 福建

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