Jin Jun Mei Exquisite Tea

Golden Beautiful Eyebrows
Harvest timemarch 2021
FlavourSmell of honey, Peach, Dried fruits
Pick tea amount
    Price (without shipment)0.0
    To cart
    Amount7 grams
    Temperature95 - 100
    Steeping Times8 times

    There are many different translations of the name of this tea, but let's take it appart:

    金 - jīn - Gold
    骏 - jùn - Stud
    眉 - méi - Eyebrows

    Translating from Chinese is often pointless, because it requires some understanding of the culture, to figure out the real meaning.

    For example, the second character here is not usually used on it's own. If you would like to say "a horse" you would use character 马 (mǎ), but 骏 (jùn) is usually used in sayings and wishes. Usually it used to represent wealth, honour, glory, generosity and business prosperity.

    Alright, but what;s with eyebrows?
    眉 - méi - directly translates like eyebrows, but the meaning behind it is longevity.

    If you assemble all the peaces together, you would get:
    Wishing you wealth, success and longevity. When you are serving this tea to your guests, you are wishing them all of those things without saying a word.


    This variant of this tea is not as strong and direct as its regular counterpart, but also not as complex as a ceremonial one. It has also been harvested in early spring and thus, it has small leaves full of fur. There is a bit of sourness in the taste and floral aroma.

    This tea is harvested in province Fujian

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